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Writer's pictureSean Fielding

Is Branding Impacting Your Data Storage? Maybe.

Updated: 19 hours ago

Salesforce uses a simplicist method for calculating data storage usage. Most records are calculated at a set rate of 2 KB per record, regardless of the actual storage consumed. Email Message record storage, however, is calculated based on the actual storage consumption. This is why most instances leveraging Email-to-Case or custom email services will find Email Messages as a top consumer of data storage.

Email Message storage can easily start at 300 KB or more of storage

Effectively managing Email Message data is essential to avoid costly limit overages. This is the reason we created our Email Scrubber. It assists in detecting and minimizing Email Message bloat, which benefits your overall Email Message storage. But what about the individual emails in your instance? Are there additional configuration decisions that are contributing to bloat?

Let's Take a Look at Your Email Branding

Your Marketing department prefers inline images in email. Ok, maybe your Marketing department does not prefer inline images. But there is a good chance they do.

Inline images simple provide better control and precision when establishing branding in the email header, footer, and body of an email. Marketing departments can easily establish branding guidelines. And they can generate easy to use HMTL snippets to enforce those branding guidelines.

That sounds great! What's the problem?

Let's examine what an inline image actually involves.


The marketing team at Sproket Logic became a bit complacent. They opted to use the following image as header for our Salesforce email template.

The marketing team opted for an inline image to insure precision and consistency in the overall branding. The marketing team generated a HTML snippet. That snippet was passed along to the Sproket Logic administration team.

Partial screenshot of inline image email body

You will notice that the Email template above includes <img scr=data:image/png;base64 in the branding HTML snippet. Very short story, this is the HTML attribute providing instructions for the HTML to display the image. The base64 encoded data provides the scheme of the image.

Since this is an inline image, the resulting email is considered data. It will be included in the Email Message record and will be counted against data storage. In our example, a simple case closure email generated using the above email template, resulted in an email message record consuming 116,674 bytes of data storage.

What's the alternative?

The alternative is to leverage a referenced image instead of an inline image. In this approach, the image is hosted and reference as a link.

 In a referenced link, the email will include HTML syntax such as:

< img src="">

This results in a much smaller email. In our example, a simple case closure email generated using a referenced image, resulted in an email message record consuming 1,181 bytes of data storage (almost 100 times smaller than the inline example).

Good news! You don't need to create the HTML. When leveraging Classic Email Templates or Enhanced Email Headers, the HTML is created automatically as a referenced link.

So, we should switch our inline images to referenced images?

Well... there are trade-offs you will need to discuss with your marketing team.

On the negative side, referenced images lack precision in handling complex branding and tend to load more slowly than inline images.

On the positive side, references images consume significantly less data storage.

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